Our Coaching Philosophy

At our triathlon coaching program, we believe in a holistic and evidence-based approach to training. We focus on the individual needs of each triathlete, taking into account their goals, fitness levels, and personal circumstances. Our philosophy is built on the pillars of consistency, progressive overload, periodization, and recovery. We emphasize the importance of building a strong foundation, gradually increasing training intensity, and ensuring adequate rest to prevent injuries and promote long-term progress.

Training Volume

We believe that triathlon is a volume-based sport that demands consistent and strategic training across swimming, cycling, and running. High-volume training is essential because it helps build a strong aerobic base, which is the cornerstone of endurance and overall performance.

Why Volume Matters:
We focus on volume because it enhances mitochondrial density and capillary growth, which are crucial for improving oxygen delivery to muscles and increasing the efficiency of energy production. This aerobic adaptation is key to sustaining those long, grueling efforts during a race.

Foundation and Critical Volume:

  • Foundation Volume is where we start, focusing on low to moderate intensity zones to build endurance without overloading the body. It’s about laying a solid foundation.
  • Critical Volume is the point where we push athletes to adapt to higher training loads. By training at this volume and in the right intensity zones, we ensure that athletes get the most out of their efforts without risking overtraining.

Zone-Specific Training

We distribute training volume across different intensity zones:

  • Zone 1-2 (Low Intensity): Enhances aerobic capacity and fat utilization.
  • Zone 3-4 (Moderate Intensity): Builds muscular endurance and lactate threshold.
  • Zone 5 (High Intensity): Increases VO2 max and power output.

Effective training incorporates periodization, the strategic planning of training phases to peak at the right time. We utilize several types:

  • Linear Periodization: Gradually increasing training volume and intensity over time.
  • Reverse Periodization: Starting with high-intensity, low-volume training and gradually increasing volume as competition approaches.
  • Undulating Periodization: Varying volume and intensity on a weekly or even daily basis to prevent plateaus and overtraining.

Gradual Increase:
We emphasize gradually increasing weekly volume by 5-10% to prevent overuse injuries while allowing for sustained progression. Balancing volume with adequate recovery is essential to avoid burnout and promote long-term performance gains.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Training

Both indoor and outdoor training have their advantages and play important roles in a well-rounded triathlon training program.

Indoor Training

  • Controlled Environment: Indoor trainers for cycling and treadmills for running provide a consistent and controlled environment, allowing precise control over resistance and intensity.
  • Weather Conditions: Indoor training is ideal when weather conditions are unfavorable, such as extreme heat, cold, or rain.
  • Specific Workouts: Ideal for interval training and structured workouts where precise control over power and cadence is beneficial.
  • Core Engagement: Indoor training often involves less natural movement, requiring conscious effort to engage your core muscles for stability and balance.

Outdoor Training

  • Real-world Conditions: Outdoor workouts help you adapt to varying terrain, weather, and road conditions.
  • Mental Stimulation: Training outdoors can be more engaging and enjoyable, providing mental stimulation and variety.
  • Handling Skills: Outdoor cycling and running help improve bike handling skills and overall confidence on the bike and on foot.
  • Core Engagement: The dynamic nature of outdoor workouts, including balance and handling, naturally engages your core muscles.
Training Tools: Zwift and TrainerRoad

Using training tools like Zwift and TrainerRoad can enhance your indoor triathlon training experience and provide structured, effective workouts.


Zwift offers a virtual cycling and running experience with interactive and engaging routes, races, and group workouts. It combines the fun of video games with the intensity of structured training.

  • Virtual Rides and Runs: Explore virtual worlds and train with athletes from around the globe.
  • Structured Workouts: Access a wide range of training plans and individual workouts tailored to your goals.
  • Social Interaction: Join group workouts and races to stay motivated and connected with the triathlon community.


TrainerRoad focuses on providing science-based, structured training plans to improve your cycling performance. It uses data-driven workouts to help you achieve your goals efficiently.

  • Personalized Plans: Tailored training plans based on your fitness level and goals.
  • Power-based Workouts: Structured workouts based on your power profile to maximize training effectiveness.
  • Performance Analytics: Detailed analytics to track your progress and make data-driven adjustments.


Safety is paramount in triathlon training, whether you're training indoors or outdoors. Here are some key safety tips:

Outdoor Safety

  • Wear a Helmet: Always wear a properly fitted helmet when cycling to protect your head in case of a fall or collision.
  • Be Visible: Use lights and reflective gear, especially when running or cycling in low-light conditions.
  • Follow Traffic Rules: Obey all traffic laws and signals. Ride and run predictably and signal your intentions to other road users.
  • Stay Alert: Keep an eye out for potential hazards such as potholes, debris, and other vehicles.

Indoor Safety

  • Proper Setup: Ensure your indoor trainer and treadmill are set up correctly and securely to prevent accidents.
  • Ventilation: Make sure your training area is well-ventilated to avoid overheating.
  • Hydration: Keep water or electrolyte drinks nearby to stay hydrated during intense sessions.

Types of Workouts

Types of Workouts

At our company, we offer a variety of scientifically-backed workouts tailored to meet the specific needs of different types of triathletes. Each workout type serves a distinct purpose in enhancing overall performance. Here are some of the key workout types we incorporate:

Endurance Workouts:
Endurance sessions, whether in the pool, on the bike, or during a run, are designed to build aerobic capacity, which is the foundation for long-distance racing. These workouts typically last longer and are performed at a lower intensity, allowing the body to efficiently utilize fat as a fuel source while promoting recovery and adaptation.

Interval Training:
Short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by recovery periods are the hallmark of interval training. This type of workout is proven to boost speed, VO2 max (the maximum amount of oxygen the body can use), and overall cardiovascular efficiency. Scientific studies have shown that interval training enhances both aerobic and anaerobic capacity, making it essential for improving race-day performance.

Brick Workouts:
Brick workouts involve back-to-back bike and run sessions, simulating race conditions to improve transition efficiency and muscle memory. By training the body to switch from cycling to running, athletes can minimize the lag and discomfort often experienced during race transitions.

Hill Repeats:
These workouts focus on climbing intervals to build leg strength, power, and efficiency on inclines. Hill repeats also enhance the body’s ability to buffer lactate, which is crucial during sustained efforts at higher intensities, particularly on hilly courses.

Recovery Workouts:
Recovery sessions are low-intensity workouts that facilitate active recovery, helping the body to repair and adapt between harder training sessions. These workouts enhance blood flow, reduce muscle soreness, and maintain mobility without adding significant stress to the body.

Tempo Workouts:
Tempo workouts involve sustained efforts at a pace that is challenging but manageable. These sessions are key to improving the lactate threshold, the point at which lactate begins to accumulate in the blood. A higher lactate threshold allows an athlete to maintain a faster pace for longer periods.

Sweet Spot Training:
Positioned slightly below the lactate threshold, sweet spot training balances intensity and volume. This approach maximizes the benefits of training while minimizing the risk of overtraining. It’s particularly effective for improving overall endurance and power output.

Power Profile Training (PPT):
PPT targets specific power zones during cycling to improve performance across various efforts, from short, intense sprints to sustained power output. This training is essential for athletes who want to enhance their ability to generate and maintain power over different durations.

Low Cadence Workouts:
Low RPM (revolutions per minute) efforts are designed to build muscular endurance and strength by forcing the muscles to work harder against resistance. These workouts are particularly beneficial for improving cycling power and efficiency, especially on tough courses.

Fatigue Resistance:
Fatigue resistance training focuses on maintaining performance even when fatigued, a critical skill for long-distance events. This type of workout is structured to simulate late-race fatigue and helps athletes build the mental and physical resilience needed to finish strong.

Performance Tests and Benchmarks:
To tailor our training plans and monitor progress, we incorporate regular performance tests across all three disciplines—swim, bike, and run. These include:

  • Swim Tests: Typically 400m and 1000m time trials to assess pacing and efficiency in the water.
  • Bike FTP (Functional Threshold Power) Test: A critical benchmark that measures the highest average power an athlete can sustain for an hour, guiding intensity levels for cycling workouts.
  • Run Time Trials: 5k or 10k time trials to establish run pacing zones and track improvements in speed and endurance.

These tests are repeated periodically to adjust training plans and ensure continuous progress toward peak performance.

Additional Key Workouts:

  • Pacing Simulation: Workouts designed to replicate race conditions, helping athletes fine-tune their pacing strategy and fuel intake.
  • Form Drills: Specific drills in swimming, cycling, and running aimed at improving technique, efficiency, and reducing injury risk.
  • Cross-Training: Incorporating other activities such as strength training, yoga, or mobility exercises to enhance overall athleticism and prevent overuse injuries.

HR, Perceived Effort, Power, Cadence, and TSS: Which Metric and Why?

Choosing the right metric to guide your training depends on your goals and preferences. Here’s a breakdown of each metric:

  • Heart Rate (HR): HR monitoring helps to ensure you’re training at the right intensity. It’s useful for endurance training and preventing overtraining.
  • Perceived Effort: This subjective measure allows you to tune into how your body feels. It’s valuable for learning to listen to your body and adjust your effort accordingly.
  • Power: Power meters provide real-time feedback on the effort required to maintain speed. It’s a precise metric that helps optimize performance by focusing on efficiency rather than just speed or HR.
  • Cadence: Monitoring cadence helps to ensure you’re pedaling or running at an efficient rate, which can improve overall efficiency and performance.
  • Training Stress Score (TSS): TSS quantifies the overall training load, considering both intensity and duration. It helps to balance training and recovery, ensuring optimal adaptation and preventing overtraining.

Each metric has its benefits, and often, a combination of these metrics provides the most comprehensive insight into your training.

Swim, Bike, and Run Training Percentages

Effective triathlon training requires a balanced approach to swimming, biking, and running. Here’s a general guideline for the percentage breakdown of each discipline in your training plan:

  • Swim: 20-25% of total training time. Swimming focuses on developing technique, endurance, and efficiency in the water.
  • Bike: 50-55% of total training time. Biking is often the longest segment of a triathlon, making it crucial to build strong cycling endurance and power.
  • Run: 25-30% of total training time. Running training emphasizes building endurance, speed, and resilience, particularly for the final leg of the triathlon.

These percentages can vary based on the individual athlete's strengths, weaknesses, and race distance. Customizing the training plan to fit personal needs and goals is essential for optimal performance.

Triathlon Race Distances

Triathlons come in various distances, each requiring different training and preparation. Here are the main types of triathlon races:


A sprint triathlon is a great entry point for beginners. It typically consists of a 750m swim, a 20km bike ride, and a 5km run.


The Olympic distance, also known as the standard distance, includes a 1.5km swim, a 40km bike ride, and a 10km run. It requires a higher level of endurance and fitness.

Half Ironman (70.3)

A half Ironman, or 70.3, comprises a 1.9km swim, a 90km bike ride, and a 21.1km run. This distance challenges athletes with a significant commitment to training.


An Ironman is one of the most demanding endurance events, with a 3.8km swim, a 180km bike ride, and a 42.2km marathon run. Completing an Ironman requires extensive training and dedication.


The Ultraman is an ultra-endurance triathlon consisting of a 10km swim, a 421km bike ride, and an 84.4km double marathon run, typically spread over three days. It is for the most experienced and dedicated triathletes.

Training Delivery and Communication

Our coaching program offers flexible and comprehensive training delivery methods to suit your needs and lifestyle. Here are the key features:

Training Delivery

  • Training Peaks: Use TrainingPeaks for detailed workout plans, progress tracking, and performance analysis.
  • Weekly Training Plans: Receive personalized training plans delivered weekly, tailored to your goals and schedule.
  • Periodization: Structured periodization based on your race schedule and life commitments to optimize performance and recovery.
  • Custom Training Zones: Personalized training zones for heart rate and power to ensure you're training at the right intensity.


  • Email: Stay in touch with your coach via email for regular updates and feedback.
  • Text: Communicate quickly and easily through text messages for immediate support.
  • FaceTime: Schedule FaceTime calls for in-depth discussions and personalized guidance.
  • Weekly Check-ins: Regular check-ins to discuss progress, address concerns, and adjust your training plan as needed.
  • Unlimited Communication: Enjoy unlimited communication with your coach for ongoing support and motivation.
  • Benchmarking Tests: Conduct regular benchmarking tests to track improvements and adjust training zones.

Getting Set Up

Setting up your indoor training environment requires some essential equipment:

  • Indoor Trainer: Choose between direct-drive trainers or wheel-on trainers. Direct-drive trainers are more accurate and stable.
  • Power Meter: A power meter provides precise data on your output, essential for structured training.
  • Training Apps: Use apps like Zwift, TrainerRoad, or TrainingPeaks for structured workouts and progress tracking.
  • Fan: A good fan helps regulate your body temperature during indoor sessions.
  • Mat: A mat under your trainer and treadmill can reduce noise and protect your floor from sweat.
  • Heart Rate Monitor: A HR monitor helps track your intensity and ensures you're training in the correct zones.
  • Garmin Watch: A GPS-enabled watch helps track your training across all disciplines, providing valuable data and insights.
  • Wetsuit: Essential for open water swimming in colder conditions, providing buoyancy and warmth.
  • Bike Gear: Includes a quality bike, helmet, cycling shoes, and appropriate clothing for different weather conditions.
  • Access to Pool: Regular swim training requires access to a pool or open water to practice technique and build endurance.

Let's Get Started Now!