
Swim Pace Calculator

The Swim Speed and Critical Swim Speed (CSS) Calculator is a tool designed to help swimmers and triathletes measure their current swimming performance and predict future training zones

Swim Speed and Critical Swim Speed CSS Calculator


Calculate My Swim Speed Training Zones

Swim Speed Training Zones

Swim Speed Training Zones Feel Swim Speed (mm:ss / 100 meters or yards)
1 Easy
2 Steady
3 Moderately Hard
4 Hard
5 Very Hard

Ironman Triathlon Expected Swim Times

Event Finish Time
Half Ironman 70.3 (HIM) 1.2 mile swim
Ironman (IM) 2.4 mile swim
Value, Methodology, and Science Behind the Swim Speed and Critical Swim Speed CSS Calculator

Swim Speed and Critical Swim Speed CSS Calculator

What is the Swim Speed and Critical Swim Speed (CSS) Calculator?

The Swim Speed and Critical Swim Speed (CSS) Calculator is a tool designed to help swimmers and triathletes measure their current swimming performance and predict future training zones. By inputting the times for two different swim distances, the calculator estimates the swimmer's Critical Swim Speed (CSS), which represents the fastest pace a swimmer can sustain over a prolonged period without exhaustion. This value can then be used to determine specific training zones, optimizing swim workouts and race performance.

Why Use the Swim Speed and Critical Swim Speed (CSS) Calculator?

  • Personalized Training: The calculator provides customized swim training zones based on your current swimming performance, enabling more effective and targeted training sessions.
  • Performance Benchmarking: CSS serves as a reliable benchmark for gauging improvements in swim fitness over time.
  • Race Strategy Planning: Understanding your CSS can help plan pacing strategies for race day, ensuring optimal performance without burning out too early.
  • Motivation and Goal Setting: Quantifying swim performance and setting measurable goals based on CSS can be highly motivating for swimmers aiming to improve their race times.

Methodology and Science Behind the Calculator

Critical Swim Speed (CSS) Concept

The concept of Critical Swim Speed (CSS) is analogous to the lactate threshold in running or cycling. It represents the threshold pace at which a swimmer can sustain high-intensity efforts without experiencing a rapid build-up of lactate in the muscles, which would lead to fatigue. The CSS is calculated based on the swimmer's performance over two distances of different lengths. This method provides a practical and accurate measure of swim endurance.

Calculating CSS

To calculate CSS, swimmers input their times for two distances, typically 200 meters (shorter distance) and 400 meters (longer distance). The formula used is:

CSS = ((Time for Longer Distance - Time for Shorter Distance) / (Longer Distance - Shorter Distance)) * 100

This formula calculates the pace per 100 meters or yards that a swimmer can maintain for a long duration.

Training Zones

Using the CSS value, we can define different training zones, each with a specific purpose in swim training:

  • Zone 1 (Easy): Recovery and aerobic base training. CSS + 20-30%.
  • Zone 2 (Steady): Aerobic endurance training. CSS + 15-20%.
  • Zone 3 (Moderately Hard): Lactate threshold training. CSS + 10-15%.
  • Zone 4 (Hard): VO2 max training. CSS + 5-10%.
  • Zone 5 (Very Hard): Speed training. CSS to CSS + 5%.

These zones help structure workouts to target different physiological systems, ensuring a balanced and comprehensive training program.

Expected Swim Times for Ironman Events

The calculator also estimates expected swim times for Ironman (IM) and Half Ironman (HIM) events based on the calculated CSS, providing athletes with realistic targets for their race preparations.

Scientific Foundations

The methodology behind the CSS calculator is grounded in exercise physiology and the principles of endurance training. Critical Swim Speed correlates well with the anaerobic threshold, which is a crucial determinant of endurance performance. The concept is widely supported by scientific literature and practical coaching approaches.


  • Swim Smooth: Paul Newsome and Adam Young have extensively covered CSS and its application in training programs. Their methodologies and training philosophies are a great resource for understanding CSS. Swim Smooth CSS
  • Daniels' Running Formula: Although primarily focused on running, Jack Daniels' work on training thresholds and VO2 max has parallels in swimming. His principles apply broadly to endurance sports. Daniels' Running Formula
  • The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: Various studies have validated the use of threshold-based training, similar to CSS, in improving endurance performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research


Weight undeniably plays a role in running performance. By understanding its impact and utilizing tools like the weight vs pace running calculator, runners can make informed decisions about their training, race strategies, and weight management goals. Always remember to prioritize health and well-being over numbers, and consult with professionals when considering significant weight changes or training modifications.

Swim Coach | World Record Holder

Roberto Carlos Carvalho

Expertise in Biomechanics
Roberto Carlos Carvalho is a specialist in the biomechanics of swimming, blending scientific precision with hands-on expertise. His commitment to coaching excellence is evidenced by his completion of all five modules of the American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA) certification.

Professional Leadership
As the visionary founder and director of RC Swim, Roberto serves as a personal swimming coach. His lifelong dedication to the sport and record-breaking achievements make him a respected and influential figure in the swimming community.