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Strength and Conditioning Guide

Warm-up (5-10 minutes): Start with light jogging, biking, rowing, or running. The goal is to get your body moving gently.

Main Workout: From the videos dropdown below follow a "Day 1", "Day 2" or "Day 3" routine. Feel free to mix the order of the exercises followed by Upper and Lower body Strength Workouts (optional).

Cool Down: After each strength session, take 10 minutes to stretch and foam roll to help with recovery and flexibility. (Suggestion Stretches for Endurance Athletes bellow)

Upper Body Strength Endurance Workouts

Workout 1 - Push and Pull:

Alternate between 5 pull-ups (or TRX hanging rows) and 5 push-ups.

Continue this sequence (5 pull-ups, 5 push-ups, 5 pull-ups, 5 push-ups, etc.) until you reach the assigned total time.

Workout 2 - Plank City:

Perform a 45-second front plank, followed by a 30-second left side plank, a 30-second right side plank, and a 45-second bridge.

Repeat this cycle continuously until you reach the assigned total time.

Workout 3 - Shoulder Pyramid:

Alternate between push-ups and military press (using either a barbell or dumbbells).

Start with 2 push-ups and 2 reps of military press.

Increase the reps by 2 each time (4 push-ups, 4 military press; 6 push-ups, 6 military press) until you reach 10 reps.

Then, decrease the reps by 2 each time (8 push-ups, 8 military press; 6 push-ups, 6 military press) back down to 2 reps.

Continue this pattern until you reach the assigned total time.

Lower Body Strength Endurance Workouts

Workout 1 - Wall Sits and Lunges:

Perform a wall sit for 45 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of rest.

Repeat this cycle until you reach the assigned total time.

Then, place a light bar (10-25 lbs) on your shoulders and perform deep lunges, walking for 1 minute followed by 30 seconds of rest.

Continue this sequence until you reach the assigned total time.

Workout 2 - Stair Climbing:

Walk up stairs, taking 2-3 steps at a time, for the assigned time (excluding the time spent walking back down).

Alternatively, using a stair master is also acceptable for the duration of the assigned time.

Essential Stretches for Endurance Athletes

Maintaining flexibility and preventing injuries are crucial for endurance athletes. Incorporating regular stretching into your routine can improve performance and recovery.

Incorporate these stretches into your routine after workouts or on rest days to keep your muscles flexible and reduce the risk of injury.

Endurance Athlete

Kneeling Hip Flexor

By raising each arm, you can change the focus point of the stretch. This stretch is great for targeting the hip flexors, helping to relieve tightness and improve flexibility in the front of the hips. Incorporate this stretch into your routine to help alleviate hip flexor tightness, improve posture, and enhance overall lower body flexibility.

Glute with Legs up

This stretch targets the gluteal muscles and provides a deep stretch for the hips and lower back. This stretch is excellent for relieving tension in the glutes and lower back, making it a great addition to your post-workout routine or recovery sessions.

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Standing Glute Stretch

You can also put your raised foot on a ledge/bar. This stretch is ideal for targeting the gluteal muscles while improving balance and flexibility. Incorporate this stretch into your routine to help relieve tightness in the glutes and improve your overall lower body flexibility.

Glute/IT with Strap

This stretch targets both the gluteal muscles and the iliotibial (IT) band, helping to improve flexibility and alleviate tightness in the hips and outer thighs. This stretch is excellent for targeting the glutes and IT band, making it a valuable addition to your post-workout or recovery routine.

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Endurance expert in triathlon, running, and cycling. Tailoring programs to fit your goals, abilities, and lifestyle since 16'. Join us now! 🏊‍♂️🚴🏃
