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Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLCTerms and ConditionsEffective Date: Jan/2024

Terms and Conditions for Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC

Customized Coaching Payment Policy

Athletes are automatically charged every 4 weeks via credit card processing through Shopify, starting from their initial registration for coaching services. If a payment is declined, Shopify will attempt to charge the card four more times within a 10-day period. If payment is not received after all attempts, coaching services will be suspended, and your athlete account will be placed on hold. This includes a downgrade of your premium Training Peaks account and a halt on workout reviews or calendar additions until payment is updated.

Delinquent Payments

If payment is not received within 7 days of suspension, coaching services will remain on hold until payment is received. This includes the downgrade of your premium Training Peaks account and a suspension of workout reviews or calendar additions.

1-1 Training Plans

Cancellation requires a notice period of at least two pay periods (8 weeks or 56 days). No refunds will be provided for coaching billed for the upcoming training block beyond the cancellation date. If cancellation occurs within twelve weeks (84 days) of your start date, you will be billed for the remainder of the minimum commitment, unless otherwise agreed upon with your coach.

Coaching Cancellation Policy

To cancel or pause coaching services, athletes must notify their coach at least two pay periods (8 weeks or 56 days) in advance. Failure to provide proper notice will result in the athlete being charged for the upcoming payment cycles. New athletes must complete their minimum contract length, unless otherwise agreed upon with the coach. We do not guarantee any specific results from our coaching services.

Coaching Hold Policy

You may place your account on hold for up to 60 days (two full training blocks) once per calendar year. To do so, communicate your intentions with your coach at least 14 days prior to your planned break. Exceeding this limit or taking multiple breaks will result in resuming billing at the current coaching rate.

Medical/Injury Leave

If you need to place your account on hold due to injury or disability, you may do so for up to one calendar year. Notify your coach via email, and your account will be placed on hold. If your original coach is unavailable upon your return, another qualified coach will be assigned.

Pregnancy, Adoption, and Family Emergencies

We are excited to support milestones in our athletes' lives, such as pregnancy and adoption. Athletes can freeze their coaching services for up to one year for these milestones. If more time is needed, please notify us, and we will extend the hold period. The same policy applies to any family or life emergencies. Just communicate your needs with your coach, and we will adjust accordingly.

Private Training Sessions

No refunds will be given for private sessions unless a mutually agreeable time cannot be arranged.

Photo Use, Social Media Mention, and Intellectual Property

  • Photo Use and Social Media Consent: By participating in our coaching program, you grant Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC permission to use your likeness in photographs, videos, and publications, as well as to mention and share your achievements and experiences on social media platforms. This use is for any lawful purpose without payment or consideration. You waive any right to inspect or approve the final product and any claim to royalties or compensation arising from its use.
  • Intellectual Property: All workouts, training plans, and other materials provided by Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC are the intellectual property of Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC. These materials are provided for your personal use only. You may not reproduce, distribute, or use these materials for any commercial purpose without the express written consent of Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC. Unauthorized use or distribution of these materials is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

Release of Liability

In consideration of participating in the Breno Melo Endurance Coaching program, you agree to the following:

  • Assumption of Risks: You acknowledge the inherent risks in endurance training, including but not limited to serious injury, disability, or death. You understand that while your coach may offer advice and guidance, the final responsibility for your health, safety, and well-being remains with you.
  • Release and Waiver: You hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC, its officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, and volunteers from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action that may arise from your participation in the coaching program. This release applies to all claims, whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated.
  • Indemnification: You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, and costs (including attorney fees) that may arise as a result of your participation in the coaching program, including any injuries, illnesses, or other health conditions that may occur.
  • Medical Responsibility: You acknowledge that any medical or healthcare services required are your sole responsibility. You are encouraged to consult with a physician before beginning any new training regimen.
  • Voluntary Participation: You certify that your participation in the coaching program is voluntary and that you are fully aware of the risks involved.
  • No Guarantee of Results: Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC does not guarantee any specific results from the coaching services. Individual results may vary based on numerous factors, including but not limited to effort, compliance with the program, and individual health conditions.
  • Legal Capacity: You affirm that you are of legal age and competent to enter into this Release of Liability.
  • Complete Agreement: This Release of Liability constitutes the entire agreement between you and Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC regarding liability, and it supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.

Acceptance of Terms

By accessing and utilizing this website and engaging in our coaching services, you agree to the terms outlined in these policies. It is your responsibility to read, understand, and ask any questions regarding these terms. By continuing to participate in the coaching program without raising concerns, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by these terms. These terms and conditions apply to all athletes, regardless of their location, including those outside of the United States. Any disputes arising from the application of these policies will be governed by the laws of Massachusetts, USA.

last updated August 2024