Pace calculator

Running Calculator

Calculate your Critical Running Speed (CRS) and running speed training zones.

Get your expected time for the following race distances:

Half Marathon (13.1)
Marathon (26.2)
Jack Daniels, "Daniels Running Formula", Human Kinetics, 1998
J. Daniels and J.R. Gilbert, "Oxygen Power: Performance Tables for Distance Runners", British Journal of Sports Medicine, 1979
VDOT Calculator | Breno Amelo

VDOT Calculator

VDOT Calculator: Revolutionizing Your Running Training

VDOT Calculator: Revolutionizing Your Running Training

What is the VDOT Calculator?

The VDOT Calculator is an advanced tool designed to help runners optimize their training by calculating their VDOT score. VDOT, or "V-dot-O-two max," stands for "Velocity at VO2 max," a term coined by renowned exercise physiologist Dr. Jack Daniels. This score provides a measure of a runner's current fitness level and serves as a benchmark for tailoring training programs to enhance performance.

Why Use the VDOT Calculator?

Personalized Training: One of the primary benefits of the VDOT Calculator is its ability to create personalized training plans. By understanding your current fitness level, you can avoid overtraining or undertraining, ensuring that your efforts yield the best possible results.

Performance Monitoring: The VDOT score allows you to track improvements over time. As your fitness improves, your VDOT score will increase, giving you a clear, quantifiable measure of your progress.

Race Predictions: The VDOT Calculator can predict race times for various distances based on your current fitness level. This feature is invaluable for setting realistic goals and expectations for upcoming races.

Injury Prevention: By providing training paces that are tailored to your fitness level, the VDOT Calculator helps reduce the risk of injury. Running too fast or too slow can lead to overuse injuries or insufficient training stimulus, respectively.

How Does the VDOT Calculator Work?

The VDOT Calculator works by analyzing your recent race or time trial performance to estimate your VO2 max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during intense exercise. This estimate is then used to calculate your VDOT score. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

Input Your Data: Start by entering your recent race time and distance into the calculator. The calculator can handle various distances, from short sprints to marathons.

Calculate VO2 Max: The calculator uses a specific algorithm developed by Dr. Jack Daniels to estimate your VO2 max based on your race performance. This estimate reflects your aerobic capacity, which is crucial for endurance sports.

Determine VDOT Score: The VO2 max value is then converted into a VDOT score. This score is more practical for training purposes than raw VO2 max because it considers the energy cost of running at different speeds.

Generate Training Paces: With your VDOT score, the calculator provides recommended training paces for various types of workouts, including easy runs, threshold runs, intervals, and repetitions. These paces are designed to help you improve efficiently and safely.

Predict Race Times: The VDOT Calculator also predicts your potential race times for different distances based on your current fitness level. This helps in setting realistic goals and tracking progress over time.

The Science Behind the VDOT Calculator

The VDOT Calculator is grounded in exercise physiology and sports science. Here’s a closer look at the principles it relies on:

VO2 Max: VO2 max is a critical indicator of cardiovascular fitness. It represents the maximum volume of oxygen that an athlete can use during intense exercise. Higher VO2 max values indicate better endurance and aerobic capacity.

Jack Daniels’ Running Formula: The calculator is based on the research and formulas developed by Dr. Jack Daniels, a leading expert in the field of running and exercise physiology. His work has been extensively validated and is widely respected in the running community.

Energy Cost of Running: The VDOT score takes into account the energy cost of running at different speeds, which helps in accurately determining the appropriate training paces. This ensures that each workout is optimally challenging based on your current fitness level.

Training Zones: The calculator uses specific training zones, such as easy pace, threshold pace, and interval pace, to structure your training. Each zone targets different physiological systems, helping to build endurance, strength, and speed effectively.


The VDOT Calculator is a powerful tool for runners of all levels, providing personalized training paces, performance tracking, and race predictions based on scientifically validated principles. By leveraging your VDOT score, you can optimize your training, prevent injuries, and achieve your running goals more efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your fitness or an experienced runner aiming for a personal best, the VDOT Calculator is an essential resource to take your running to the next level.