www.brenoamelo.com y afiliados

Políticas de Breno Melo Endurance Coaching LLC 2024

Coaching Payment and Cancellation Policies

Customized Coaching Payment Policy Purchased Through www.brenoamelo.com and Its Affiliates

Our athletes are automatically charged via credit card processing through Shopify every 4 weeks from the day they first register for coaching. If a payment is declined for any reason, Shopify will notify you and attempt to charge your card another 4 times before automatically canceling your coaching subscription. Subsequently, you will be contacted by a coach to update your credit card information and submit dues.

Delinquent Payments

If a payment is not successfully received within 7 days, coaching services will be suspended, and your athlete account will be placed on hold. This entails a downgrade of your premium Training Peaks account and a cessation of workout review or addition to your calendar by your coach until proper payment has been received.

1-1 Training Plans

Cancellation requires a notice period of four weeks (28 days). No refunds will be provided for coaching billed for the upcoming training block beyond the cancellation date. If cancellation occurs within twelve weeks (84 days) of the athlete's initial start date, the athlete will be billed for the remainder of their minimum commitment at the time of cancellation.

Coaching Cancellation Policy

  • Communicate your concerns and intentions with your coach, who invests significantly in the coach/athlete relationship.
  • To cancel coaching services, please email your coach. The cancellation will be effective 28 days after the provided notice date.
  • You are responsible for paying all accrued fees and charges up to and including the effective date of your cancellation notice.
  • In the rare event that legal action is necessary to collect fees owed, you are responsible for all incurred legal fees and costs.

Coaching Hold Policy

If you plan to take a break from training for an extended period, we can place your account on hold for up to 60 days (two full training blocks) once per calendar year, subject to the following conditions:

  • Communicate your intentions with your coach, as availability may vary.
  • Email your coach at least 14 days before your planned break.
  • Remaining within the one-time per year limit of 60 days ensures you maintain your current coaching fee.
  • Exceeding the limit or taking multiple breaks will result in resuming billing at the current coaching rate.

Medical/Injury Leave

If you need to place your account on hold due to sustained injury or disability precluding training, you may do so for up to one full calendar year:

  • Communicate promptly with your coach via email.
  • Your account will be placed on hold as of the date of your notification.
  • If your previous coach is unavailable upon return, we will match you with another qualified coach.

Private Training Sessions

No refunds will be given for private session costs unless a session time cannot be arranged between the coach and the athlete.

Photo Use and Consent

By participating in our program, you grant us permission to use your likeness in photographs, videos, and publications for any lawful purpose, without payment or consideration. You waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product and any claim to royalties or compensation arising from its use.

Release of Liability

In consideration of being permitted to participate in the endurance coaching program provided by Breno Melo Endurance Coaching ("Program"), I, the undersigned participant, hereby agree to the following:

  1. Assumption of Risks: I acknowledge that participation in the Program involves inherent risks, including but not limited to, risks of serious bodily injury, permanent disability, paralysis, and death.
  2. Release and Waiver: I hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Breno Melo Endurance Coaching, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and volunteers from any and all liability.
  3. Indemnification: I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Releasees from any claims that may arise out of my participation in the Program.
  4. Medical Responsibility: I acknowledge that any medical or healthcare services required are my sole responsibility.
  5. Voluntary Participation: I certify that I am voluntarily participating in the Program with full knowledge of the risks involved.
  6. Legal Capacity: I affirm that I am of legal age and competent to enter into this Release of Liability.
  7. Complete Agreement: This Release of Liability constitutes the entire agreement between myself and Breno Melo Endurance Coaching.


By accessing and utilizing the information provided on this website regarding Breno Melo Endurance Coaching's policies and release of liabilities, participants agree to be bound by the terms outlined herein. Breno Melo Endurance Coaching is not liable for any consequences resulting from the interpretation or implementation of these policies by participants. Participants acknowledge that they have read, understood, and voluntarily accepted the terms of these policies and release of liabilities, and they assume full responsibility for their actions and participation in any Breno Melo Endurance Coaching programs or activities. Any disputes arising from the application of these policies or release of liabilities shall be governed by the laws applicable in the relevant jurisdiction.